Nikiforidis-Cuomo Architects

Born in Herakleion-Crete, Nikiforidis studied Architecture in Toulouse and continued with post-graduate studies in Cultural History at Toulouse–Le Mirail University and Urban Planning at Sorbonne. Prodromos Nikiforidis and Bernard Cuomo have been collaborating since 1986. Their joint career began at the Toulouse School of Architecture in the early 1980s. In 1986 they participated in the first architectural competition. Their most important projects to date include: Residential Building in Paris 1992–1994, the Cultural Center and Theater in Menemeni Thessaloniki 1997, the Technopolis of Thessaloniki 2006–2009, the Renovation of Thessaloniki Waterfront 2000–2014 and the Treasury of the Bank of Greece in Thessaloniki 2001–2009.

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